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Eric Thomas
Phone: 662.538.4108 or 662.266.0836
Address: 101 West Bankhead Street,
New Albany, MS 38652
Opening A Business:
New Albany is a city with opportunities for people who have a strong business plan and are willing to work hard. Once you are ready to move forward with your new business, the best place to start is City Hall.

City of New Albany MS ZONING AGENDA
City of New Albany MS Sign Application
Online Google Doc
City of New Albany MS Sign Application
Below is a list of important information and contacts you will need to make your journey go smoothly:
Establish business address:
Contact Building Inspector PRIOR to applying for Privilege License to determine if location meets code, & to get Certificate of Occupancy, Eric Thomas: 662.538.4108 or 662.266.0836 or Joey Watson: 662.266.1037
All signs MUST have PRIOR approval from the Building Inspector
Privilege License, garbage collection, and dumpsters:
City Hall, 662.534.1010
Tax ID number:
MS Dept of Revenue, Tupelo, 662.842.4316
Local Taxes:
Chancery Clerk:
New Albany Light Gas and Water
Health Department:
662.534.1926 for businesses serving food
Post Office:
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